Hello, i'm very sorry because we haven't go out of Salerno!! But i decided to look into Salerno more closely :) We went to a garden called "THE GARDEN OF MINERVA"
link: http://www.giardinodellaminerva.it/
Botanik bahçe Salerno tarihi şehir merkezinin tam içinde. Daracık Salerno sokaklarında tabelaları takip ederek kolayca bulunabilir. Bahçeye açılan ufak kapıdan girer girmez baharın kendini yavaş yavaş gösterdiğini farkedebilirsiniz. Biraz ilerlediğinizde etrafınız iri papatyalar ve portakal ağaçlarıyla sarılmış olacak. Bahçe bir teras aslında. Her katta bitki türlerine göre düzenlenmiş ayrı bir bahçe görebilirsiniz. Türkiye'de de görmeye alıştığımız çiçeklerin dışında henüz açmış birkaç farklı tür var.
Botanic garden is in the middle of Salerno historical centrum. You can find easily with following the signs in narrow streets. When you enter to the garden, incoming spring will show you its beauty. If you go into center of the garden, you will be surrounded by flowers and orange trees. Garden has three floors terrace. Each floor has its own beauty. There are some different types of flowers.

This is a view of the garden from outside. You will see both plants and also Salerno landscape from the hill. I advice you to watch sundown from top of terrace after visiting all floors.

There are some flowers that are leaning out from the garden. I couldn't pass through without taking any pictures of them :) they are greeting Salerno.

There is a small pool, i couldn't see when i was at same floor but after looking down from other floor.. i really liked it! At second floor there are flowers that seem to me sad. I suppose that they are sad because of the weather. It's rainy every day!!
Her katta çeşmeler var, sulama sistemini süsleyerek görsel bir öğeye çevirmişler. Bu fotoğraf ise o süslemelerden en çok hoşuma giden.
At each floor there is a fountain of watering system. This is a photo of the most beautiful for me. Ve işte Salerno manzarası. "THE GARDEN OF MINERVA"dan Salerno'ya bir bakış..
and at the last (from 3.nd floor) view of Salerno from "THE GARDEN OF MINERVA"..